Structural and Configurational analysis overview
- Region: Asia and Oceania
- High Income
- Population: 2.4 million (2020)
- Density : 211 hab/km2
- GDP Growth: +25,69% (2022)
- GDP Per Capita: $85 514 (2022)
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem insights in 2023
- Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Actors : 223
- Active Actors : 153 (+2,6%)
- Capacity to Inform entrepreneurs : 0,94 (+0,2%)
- Collaborative Culture : 20,15 (+3,8%)
- Capacity to distribute ressources to Entrepreneurs : 3,32 (-3,5%)
- Capacity to Generate Entrepreneurial Opportunities : 62,66 (+2,8%)
ADALIA Institute • HEC Paris in Qatar • AEI • Chaire ETI Paris 1 Sorbonne • IAE de Lyon
Global Scientific Board : see here
GCC Scientific Head : Allan Villegas